May 10, 2021 The beauty soap of film stars In the 1920's, the makers of Lux started a campaign for their soap in India. They sought to position it as 'The Beauty Soap of Filmstars' . #BrandsHistory
March 10, 2021 The ENO Story The brand ENO began in the 19th century in the port city of Newcastle, England, when young pharmacist James Crossley Eno wanted to solve digestive problems. #BrandsHistory
February 19, 2021 Jockey: There is ONLY one In the Indian Investment circle, an often told JOKE is, "If you have forgone your love for Jockey's UG and instead opted for its stock" <2 decades back>, how much more money you would have today. #BrandsHistory #Capitalmarket
January 14, 2010 Germany's Biggest Business Family War One of the most famous stories in the history of business is the feud between the Dassler brothers, Adolf and Rudolf. The brothers had co-founded a company before World War II and had split it up afterwards. #BrandsHistory